Longing for Longer
Check out Burger King's latest seasonal addition to their menu-- BK Xtra Long. The catchphrase-- So long and juicy no one can resist! It hits a chord with the gay community kan? We all can relate to that. And look at the model's neck in the ad. Gives a whole new world of meaning to deep throating. Hehe. Over and out.
Atas vege, bawah tak vege. :P
Hope your post comes with pics. LOL.
That's an understatement.
They should have used a male model!
Attracting the pink dollar!
Gay copywriter. :P
You don't see it? :P
Some ladies have no appreciation of such things. LOL.
Slow-slowly la. ;)
You got a point there.
[Jino] - A man's not a man unless he knows how to shoot