Pray for a Smooth Journey

Check out this nifty prayer to be said before entering the loo! Spotted it in Bandar Seri Begawan. It is interesting to note that demons have a specific sex too! Lets hope this does not create a loop hole for asexual demons. Amen.


Ameer Zachery said…
yup. There's prayer for everything.. Even when you want to have sex with your wife.
Gratitude said…
Dan syaitan homoseksual
Shake Trees said…
wat on earth r u doing there? :P
Pike-chan said…
First time me hearing this lor..
Danny said…
i'm not surprise.. cos we also have this thing in BUddhism... :)
MrBunnyBan said…
guess they're praying the don't get infected after going toilet?
William said…
What does one pray for before sex?


Zeus has something similar?


Not surprising. Me too!


Infected with what?!
TZ said…
i just wondered what world you have censored :p
Ash Godiva said…
hmmm i was wondering why u censored the 'A' word and "riwayat dari......" words...
nicky05 said…
you were waiting for a cute izit?..:P
William said…
I'm sure you can guess. :)

I decided against putting it in the clear because I do not want people leaving insensitive comments and it all blows out of proportion. So better to make it general.

Cute what? :P
Bravebear said…
LOL! But talk about pray for a smooth journey. Muslims do mutter some chant or something before entering the car and before starting the journey.
Janvier said…
Doesn't the Chinese have something general too to ward of ghosts and local gods especially when peeing in the forests and such?
William said…
You bring disinfectant with you?

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