Close One Eye

The AG Report has come and will be gone again soon... Until next year when the Government can flaunt the fact that public funds are blatantly being "wasted" (I guess something does not go to "waste" if it accidentally falls into someone's pocket) and the Government basically implies that:

1) there's nothing that YOU can do about it (unless you vote their ass out)

2) there's nothing solid that THEY will do about it (everyone's gotta eat, right?)

Insulting, right? And don't forget that there may be cases of "honest mistakes". Everyone makes mistakes right? Yeah. I call that incompetence. And so, we hear in the papers that the Government can take:

They are: surcharge under the Financial Procedure Act 1957; disciplinary action under Chapter D of the General Orders Public Officer Regulations (Conduct and Discipline) 1993; civil or criminal action and investigations by police and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

End of the day, I think they'll just go for disciplinary action against the small-fry. A slap on the wrist. And even that isn't very convincing.

1) Transfer to another department. (Who knows? In a year, the fella will be transferred back in to a higher post even).

2) Freeze of promotions (What? For six months?)

I guess if they really investigate... one thing will lead to another and the whole public service will collapse. That's no good, huh? Whatever the case, at least give us the mamat who approved the MYR40k laptop!


Legolas said…
The laptop case is classic. And it's not even a Macbook Pro.
Donna said…
ya.. close 1 eyes..
if not susah sendiri only..
Bravebear said…
@.@ confused here... Forgive me for my lack of knowledge... really should read the news more often =)
William said…
Was an Acer I think.

Close two eye lagi bagus.

Keep in touch with current events!

I used to help out DAP Seputeh, but never joined.

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