Baby Bad

The Kiss
Swiped from fesign.
I dedicate this song to KH:

Baby Bad, Baby Bad,

Baby Bad, Baby Bad,

Baby Bad, Baby Bad,

Baby Bad, Baby Bad,

Baby Bad, Baby Bad, Baby Bad, Baby Bad!

(I think you get the general idea)

This in no way means that my KH is bad to me. It's quite the contrary. He's very patient and generous to me (lotsa people pull me to side to to tell me that I get SPECIAL treatment from him). It's just a playful chant I like to do when I'm clinging to him. I know it irks him a bit, but that's what makes it all the more fun. It's more fun than chanting "Baby Good, Baby Good", don't you agree?

P.S.: If I was a songwriter, I'd most probably be sleeping under a MRR2 flyover.


Kris said…
heh heh, cute quirks from the cute couple! I have an urge now to sing "BaBY BaD" "BAbY BAd" too!!
Little Dove said…
I think you'll make a great songwriter. Baby Bad sounds like a good chorus. Catchy and easy to remember!
Jaded Jeremy said…
Lol! You really chant that while clinging to him? That's so funny and cute!
MrBunnyBan said…
I want to hear you sing that! Karaoke!
Cheryl said…
pengz... why people found that cute ar? bad lyrics....
Cheryl said…
but better than good good baby good anyway... should have more lyrics la...

wow... i sounds like expert. haha but i can only compose rather than do lyrics :)
Janvier said…
That sounds like naughty, bad lyrics! :P
William said…
Let's burst into the chorus!

But the chorus is all there is to it. LOL.



Never make use of your musical education also.

Bad! I'm bad!
Jason said…
I think its pure notti ..kaka
Twilight Man said…
So lucky you! Time to turn your head to show your happy face!
William said…
Mebbe. :P

Hehe. Aiyoh, you ody saw my face ma. Time for to scour you on FB.
Derek said…
The things I have to put up with .... haihz ..

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