Spur of the Moment

x-ray image
Swiped from wu.peng.
Since before my Melbourne trip, mum had been complaining about a stiffness in her neck. Kinda brushed it off as salah bantal, but when it didn't go away for 2 months, mum got a bit worried. Chiropractors and sinseh's failed to improve the condition. And so, we ended up at Tung Shin to see an orthopaedic surgeon, Dr. Low. Upon arrival at the hospital, our temperature was taken and a sticker was given to mark us as potentially H1N1-free. Amazingly, his clinic opens at 9:00am and he's actually there! After consultation and an X-ray, he declared that my mum has bone spurs at her fourth and fifth cervical vertebrae. They look like little protrusions from the edge of the bone. He prescibed some NSAIDs, painkillers and glucosamine and also encouraged her to do exercises to loosen her neck muscles. Mum's feeling better now and she does not touch her neck so often anymore. Hope it improves more!


Ryan said…
Yeah, hope your mom gets better each day! My mom was diagnosed with high blood pressure too. Worry gila!
TZ said…
dude, hope your mom get well soon
Janvier said…
Oooh, hope she gets better!
Jaded Jeremy said…
That's good to hear. Hope she gets even better.

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