Deep Throat

173-Le cri
Swiped from gillespinault.
Published this post for my non-Facebook readers. And if you've read the gist in Facebook, think of this as the detailed account. At dinner some weeks ago, Mum served fried Ma Yau / Kurau. For those of you who know, that fish does not have many bones. Most of the bones are big and are easy to pick out. Maybe I wasn't paying attention (told you not to read the papers during dinner!) or I was just downright careless, I swallowed a bone and it was stuck at my throat. There was no more rice to force it down with. Ugh. The feeling was intermittent, so I guess that bone was stuck at an angle. Nothing seemed to be able to dislodge it. Luckily, I was able to sleep that night.

The next morning, it was still there. That just goes to show that there is no Fish Bone Fairy who comes to dislodge fish bones in your throat and leave an iPhone under your pillow. I went to the clinic opposite my office. As I was waiting there, loads and loads of people with fever, coughs and colds walked in and out. I hid at a corner with the least traffic. When my turn came, I told my predicament to an elderly female doctor in a saree. She was quite surprised:

Dr.: So early eat fish arrr?

Moi: (kenot meh?!) Yesterday. Dinner.

Dr.: OK, I need you to relax....

She got out her crocodile forceps (looked like bent scissors with teeth), held my forehead and instructed the nurse to position the torchlight. At first, she couldn't locate it. She brought out a tongue depressor. And when she saw it, she exclaimed that it was quite deep and if her attempts failed, I would have to make a trip to the ENT. She tried going in deep twice. She said she was gonna make a final try. I completely relaxed and mustered all I learned from my blowjob experiences. :P. It paid off! When she pulled out the forceps, out came the bone-- an inch long. :S. She gave me some thymol to gargle and charged me MYR34.

Nurse: Apa ikan you makan?

Moi: Ehhhhhh. You tahu "Ma Yau" ke? Kepala dia macam torpedo?!

Nurse: Hmmm. Terubok ke? (BUKAN LA!) Tak banyak tulang tu...

And back to work I went.... Thank you doc! (No MC, :()


Pranny said…
.. Lucky the fish didn't pierce ur throat... And you can even go to sleep just like that huh.... Geng...

Thank god nth happen..
Christine said…
My mom used to make me drink vinegar if I accidentally swallow a fish bone~ nasty experience, I had to drink gallons of it before the bone slid down my throat
Cheryl said…
DEAR u r not reading paper that day le.. so definately not the paper problem. no one saw the "Experience" u mentioned :P
Gratitude said…
You cld have saved the rm34. You cld have simply gotten a donor to supply you with that slippery ointment. kautim!
fablefrog said…
see~ that was the reason i hate fish!
C'est la vie said…
I LOL to the blowjob part. Aiyo~ Luckily I am vegetarian, long time didn't feel the fish bone stuck in the throat already. :P
Little Dove said…
I salute you talented deep throater! ;p
William said…
Yeah lo. Luckily no need rush to A&E!

Vinegar! A friend suggested putting a bowl on my head and hitting with a chopstick. -_-"

Oh yeah, no newspaper that day! They saw!

Never mind la, claim company de. Slippery ointment? I like!

I don't like flies!

Welcome! Vegetarian fish no bones ah? :P

Who would have though such things would come in handy in such a situation!
Jaded Jeremy said…
"That just goes to show that there is no Fish Bone Fairy who comes to dislodge fish bones in your throat and leave an iPhone under your pillow."

ROFL! That really cracks me up!

"I completely relaxed and mustered all I learned from my blowjob experiences. :P."

Huh? Why must relax during blowjob? Thought supposed to get excite?
Bengbeng said…
you are fortunate the bone could b dislodged
MrBunnyBan said…
Haiyo, luckily you went to the doctor!

BJ skills? KH's dong must be quite panjang...

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