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"That used to be my favourite TV show! Now I find it boring. What else is on?"

This parable works well in our social interactions too. Serial
friendships, you can call it. Friends du jour. The flavour of the
month. From the new arrivals they end up in the bargain bin later in
the season. Then we go shopping again. Some go for serial courtships.
The thrill is in the hunt. Out with the old, in with the new.
Consumerism at its best.

Feel free to change the channel. ;)


Jaded Jeremy said…
Though I readily believe there are serial befrienders, I can't think of an example in real life though. Friends do drift apart because of many reasons e.g. gradual change of common interest, lack of keeping in touch etc but I can't pinpoint one where they did so because of...hmmm...bored with each other?
Janvier said…
You feel that way huh?
JL said…
Maybe Astro should not have too many channels and instead concentrate on some really good ones. ;)
William said…
Drama over, for now. Wait for the sequel. :P

It is all the rage!

Sometimes la. Can't help it.

That's a very good parable!

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