During my Sunday swim (luckily the rain stopped the moment I stripped
to my trunks), scarce eye candy finally made an appearance. The young
guy was damn fair and sported a white swim trunk- so Jap porn.
Motivated me to swim more than usual. As a result, I'm feeling my
muscles more than usual today. More eye candy for faster achievement
of fitness goals! No where do I see it mentioned in Men's Health. :p
to my trunks), scarce eye candy finally made an appearance. The young
guy was damn fair and sported a white swim trunk- so Jap porn.
Motivated me to swim more than usual. As a result, I'm feeling my
muscles more than usual today. More eye candy for faster achievement
of fitness goals! No where do I see it mentioned in Men's Health. :p
Not happening enough. You should go see-see at Nase's place.
Private. Taman Desa.
Alahai. Not angmoh u sure tak minat.
We have different tastes.
I like your trunks. :P
Must consider using my waterproorf camera case.
A Whitelighther?
Burnt even.
I go swim at least once a week