Indirect Communication

Are you familiar with DiGi's Fu-Yoh package? It's mascot is a thumb with slitty eyes and a red cloth tied across its forehead. My thumb looks like that at times. The left thumb has gotten so used to the T9 keystrokes that I can compose a message without me having to look at the screen much. Yes, I SMS extensively. Since getting my new phone in October 2008, I have sent 2249 text messages. The recipients that make up this total is mostly KH, Jaded Jeremy, Joe and SK. To keep things economical, I SMS to KH's DiGi number that is roaming in Singapore. And recently, KH got me a Singapore line to roam in Malaysia and even Jeremy opened a DiGi line to roam in Singapore. I have added all of them into my Friends and Family list, hence each SMS only costs MYR0.01. And since KH has 500 free local SMSes a month, it would practically cost him nothing to SMS me. The only drawback is that we both have to carry around 2 phones (my left ball's fried!) and we always receive a message with one phone and reply to another phone. Well, workarounds are never easy I guess. 


Jason said…
lol.. i love that idea.. maybe I could do that to.. but you know.. I dun sms that much with that person now right? :'(
Rae P said…
a friend of mine do that as well.

one he uses for roaming [for calling/texting] back to malaysia using his celcom's roaming, and another one for the usual line.

me myself, i cant be bothered la...ha ha....

i've tried doing that, but i usually forget to bring my roaming, discarded the idea....

BUT, those 1 cent texts are amazing....
Lifebook said…
But I don't received any... :(
Your thumb is gonna get sore soon. And, you are using Digi? Me too! What's your number? E-mail me.
Derek said…
I do have other friends in Singapore to message too, u know, so it's not really "cost nothing". ;P
William said…
Who?! In australia?

Cheap kan? Yealoh, so ma fan to bring two phones.

Aku dah sms, so kenot komplen ody!


Next to nothing. You so rich.

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