Girl on Girl

I don't know why, but I've been seeing a lot of lesbian couples these days. They're much more visible than gay couples. You can see them holding hands (it's so unfair that they won't get a second glance), brushing the hair out of the other's eyes (trademark!), gazing longingly at each other... And everything else normal couples do (but I've also seen some loudly whining and bouncing off the LRT walls). Are gay couples too busy looking like a couple straight guys on an outing? Trying to pass off fleeting physical touches as masculine chumminess (as Johann S. Lee so articulately described it)? Or are the signs of affection so subtle that even I miss them? When KH and I are out on dates, we're not all over each other, but he does hold my hand at opportune times or steal a kiss or cop a feel whenever the chance arises. His ability to do that never ceases to amaze me. Perhaps another reason is because lesbians can pass off as straight people? With the androgynous look all the rage right now, it's sometimes hard to tell hether it's a he or a she. But anyway, it is a good development that members of the gay community express their love more openly now. Gay or straight, it's good to see love in the air. 


JD Cole said…
owh i wish i hv a bf to show off in public :(
Little Prince said…
daddy, got la!
those bangala. hahaha. they hold hands wert when they go kai kai!

well if you really want to there's no reason stopping you from doing so actually. who cares what people think. they are just jealous. HAHAHA.
Anonymous said…
cop a feel XD


word verification: ennis .....

ish ish ish ;)
Fable Frog said…
OMG~ SLP got a point... dress as bangala lah next time. we all used to seeing them hold hands de.

but you not bad lah, still can curi hold hands, and feel each other a*hem...
Jason said…
ooo.. Now only I know that you and your boy go play magician David cop-a-feel one! wakkakaka..

aiyar.. lesbians are accepted liao due to the porn industry. where all straight people will see the lesbian porn in straight porn one ma.. so they are more willing to accept.. you never see two men go at it in a straight porn but you see two women go at it right? That's.. provided kor see straight porn before le..
Anonymous said…
It could get to ya sometimes. When we can't show some sort of affection to our partner in public. Personally, I would think that it's the small gesture of affection that goes unnoticed that truly matters.

Like gazing at your partner's face when he's not looking, just a slight brush of your fingers on his hands, putting your food on his plate for him to try..

And I do agree with your last line.. its good to see love in the air.
Cheryl said…
the main point here is show off that DD berani la to steal a kiss in public ... :P

anak, yeah yeah.. the bangala holding hands. first time i saw is at night market and i thought they were aj le... naive me
MrBunnyBan said…
DD is daring cos he's seen it done in singapore, methinks. So if you live there he'll be cop-a-feeling you all the time lor. :P
JL said…
One of my friends tell me banglas hold hands to show the warmth of friendship, and it's not gay to them la. XD
Derek said…
Yup, I have blogged before about this holding hands thingy. Apparently not just the Bangladeshis do it but also the Africans and Koreans! (

Cheryl: Is that his point? I thought he wanted to do it also but shy only! Hehe

Ban: No la, I don't see it here. Just very close proximity to each other but no hand holding!

Dear, I got cop a feel meh? LOL
Jaded Jeremy said…
I do hold hands on the street but maybe for a minute? Holding elbow can be much longer.
William said…
The main point not to show off ma...

Jealous! :P


He's very skilled!

David Cop-A-Feel! lol. Str8 porn? yuck. Yaoi for Jap women?

I like to put food in his mouth! :P

Jemur nyawa ma.

I've not seen any daring couples in SG.

It looks so fun!

You remember at Tong Kee, Sri Petaling?

Hold elbow?

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