There isn't any CNY-themed men's underwear in department stores this
year! Preposterous! What a mockery!

That aside, here's wishing all my readers a Happy Chinese New Year
that's sprinkled with all things good and if some bad things do slip
in, hope that they're easily reversed.

Lou sang with Wagyu beef, anyone?



.:: Ant ::. said…
Wagyu beef... why not fugu fish?

Blessed New Year Will!
JD Cole said…

awwwhhhh...u can always be CK undies with the red spandex!! ;)
Twilight Man said…
GONG XI FA CAI! I was looking for a Cow Underwear too and I'll post it to brag. Better not eat cow for New Year after no luck for me.
Fable Frog said…
Selamat Tahun Baru Cina!! tahun kerbau nie~ moooo~~~~~
Ganymede said…
Signs of underwear addiction. :P

Happy CNY you. Where's ang pow from you and your hubby hmmm? You guys are married long enough to qualify. :P
[SK] said…
i still see red bling bling underwear everywhere in the mall~~ :p
MrBunnyBan said…
Aiyo, better dun have underwear special at sales for CNY. You'd then have bright red CK underwear with "gong hee fat choi" in golden letters over the bum.
Cheryl said…
Beef... hmm... me can eat ar at this super critical period? my condition like cannot take beef :(
William said…
Hmmm... fugu me!

Hahaha... I have none.. :(

No propsperity burger for me yet..

No "ribbit" meh? :P



You'll get better!

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