An Earful

In my company, resources often lose focus and become demoralised due to ad hoc requests. The opportunity for new business is always a priority at the expense of disrupting current deals that had been closed. But this does not mean one does not need to deliver. Things are always rushed and non-existant features are always expected to be provided at the shortest notice. Shoddy work and even if we get the job, the shoddy-ness will find it's way into the project. And so, I was called to work at 9:00am one Saturday morning to do some nonsensical things only to find that nobody had the key unlock the office!

And so, I wasted 90 minutes of my time at a nearby mamak shop with my fatty boss. Had to listen to a pep talk that had been rehashed time and time again. This is what I heard over a cup of cow's milk tea:
"I treat you like my brother."
"I often think about your career path."
"The grass isn't greener on the other side."
"I do not see you guys doing this forever, I want to push you up."

It's such a universal load of crap that even my partners from Myanmar hear the same things from their bosses. Pengsan.
The day I can spew the same crap on hours on an end is the day I have joined the ranks of management. Sounds easy enough. Scott Adams did say that the job of a manager can be performed by a drunken chimpanzee. Hehe. Wish me luck.


.:: Ant ::. said…
There are many drunken chimpanzees, and a whole lot of fatty gorilla bosses too! :)

Meantime, chill out dude, still a long way to go. ^_^

TZ said…
But you are not chimpanzees... hehehe :-p
Jaded Jeremy said…
If you know it's crap, why stay? Quit! Somewhere out there the grass is definitely greener. You just need to look for your cheese elsewhere as it is definitely not at your current side of the maze.
Twilight Man said…
LOL.... You made my day! So true William, so beware of sweet talkers. I had enough from them until I had to speak like that to some 40 staff here. Now I feel bad lah.
Lifebook said…
Hmmm... you are always "sweet" talker, sure you can be the manager. LOL
Rae P said…
xD the part about managers are kinda true in every field i think :D
William said…
There's more to say about my fatty boss. Stay tuned.

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