Straight Answer
When dealing with clients, it is usual not to overcommit to lessen the scope of work and avoid possible problems that cannot be overcome in the project timeline. Experienced marketing executives normally beat around the bush to confuse clients who are not too sharp. Even the terms used are usually guarded and noncommittal, for example IN A WAY and INDIRECTLY, YES. Recently I have been hearing a lot of these phrases from my project coordinator. It is down right annoying to be used in internal discussions. If we cannot even give each other a straight answer, how are we going to deliver a coherent product?
Can you finish the development on time? I think I will just answer, IN A WAY.
Answer: indirectly, yes.
Question: do you wanna have sex?
Answer: in a way~ errr, indirectly, ~ yes
Its pretty working IN A AWAY, XD
All the best!
However, in setting out our scope of work, we try to be as exact as possible and in fact, we may also list down things we won't do. It helps a lot.
Pigs would be better. :P
Haha. Teruk!
You're back! They just want to see 100% which I can't give.
Sex? YES!
You're guilty too.. haha
You would know best. :P
I have no rights to spell out terms... consultants memang jahat one...
Whatever works! I care not for ethics.