The Return

KH dah balik, KH dah balik. Yea, yea, KH dah balik.

Yes folks. The boyfriend is back again and I am really stumped as to what to do and where to go. I feel pressured to do something special, but to us maybe even the most mundane can be considered special due to our distance.

Anyway, will be looking forward to spending time with him. Any time IS quality time.


Little Dove said…
Wishing you a romantic weekend!
Darren said…
still, safe sex is highly recommended
Pike-chan said…
Wishing you have a good time with him.
Twilight Man said…
Go to karaoke at night to sing your heart out!... Hello KH.
Jaded Jeremy said…
Yah, no need do anything special lah, as long as it's time spent together :-)
Dr W said…
William said…
@LittleD: @Pikey: @JJ:
I did have one!

Haha. Our sexcapade didn't reach that level... :P

No KTV this time. :P

@EarthR: @Will:
Wah, like that also remember!

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