To state the obvious is something that I am not very good at. I always downplay the things I do because I personally feel that it is an expected part of the job. A core competency. However, at my new client site, my eyes have been further opened. I can see fakeness and the exaggeration of minimal effort proliferate.
Hi all. I have created TWO subfolders in the public folder for easier segregation of documents.
The woman was announcing it like she separated two conjoined twins.
Hi all. I sent out the email with the attachments for your easy reference. OH THANKS, it would have been SO difficult for us otherwise.
You know how to attach files? Wait till you learn about forwarding. I do not know whether the appreciative person was being sarcastic, or just plain helpless.
I must start applying these skills to my resume. To make the mundane seem magical. Everyone can be a miracle worker with the right wording. Cheers.
Btw how are you doin' there?
I got an email from a guy asking for a job (which happens very often to me) saying that he is a computer-guy and he can help in cleaning a virus etc..and at the end he also added
"vous apprendre a créer un blog" (= I can teach you to creat a blog)
What a talent !
Now say thank you.
Nah, it's unrelated.
OMG, I know!
It's an art.
Will he write posts too? Haha.
You're his colleague?!
I'm doing fine. :). Nah, the woman in question is just some secretary that breathes the same air in the office.
Yes, I know. Lol.
Yes, I did once hear a glorified lecture on the importance of e-mail on the LRT by a Robert Walters consultant.