Dororo & Ayakashi

Swiped from winghon83.
Been ages since I did a movie review. So, here's a double to make up for the lack of it. Firstly, I have speak of Ayakashi. It's a trio of Japanese classic horror stories in anime. Japanese stories are usually weird, and this is no exception. Each story is animated by different artists and is told in a different way, so it's all quite fresh.
  1. Yotsu Ya Kai Dan - Typical vengeful ghost story about a disfigured wife
  2. Ten Shu Mono Gatari - A forbidden love story between man and man-eating (in the literal and non-literal) demoness
  3. Bake Neko - The most stylised of the three. About a vengeful cat demon vs. travelling medicine seller
Of the three, the last story made the least sense but was the most beautifully drawn. The first was kinda like a documentary with a Japanese version of James Earl Jones as narrator. The second story was the most forgettable.

Dororo is a fantasy movie about a general's son who was born without 48 of his body parts because his father made a pact with 48 demons. Having been fitted with a fake body (move over $6,000,000 Dollar Man), he sets out to recover all his original parts. The movie ends at part #24 and it doesn't say how he got his genitals back. Damn! Cute hero with a great mop of hair. Think Haohmaru of Neo Geo's Samurai Shodown. Quite lengthy, but it's not too bad and has quite nice CGI. But do expect the occasional man in a monster suit.

"Take a listen!"

P.S.: Do you recognize that phrase? (Hint: Frequently mouthed by a Japanese TV show host in the early 90s)


      Medie007 said…
      oooo... dororo sounds cute! too bad am not an anime fan...
      Ganymede said…
      And where did you get these fabulous anime?
      William said…
      Sorry I didn't post a pic of the hero.

      At Plaza SinMa. For peanuts!

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