Serendah III: Long Night

...continued from here...

Exhausted from the game of twisted twister, we slept at about midnight. I didn't sleep well. Woke up at 2:00am, 5:00am and 6:45am. Too darn cold. Even tried sleeping downstairs. Seems that I wasn't the only one. Little Bull was up too. Said he was harrassed by insects (the whole toilet floor was bersepah with wings, a massacre of sorts-- we suspect Froggie had a late night snack). And his tossing and turning in turn bothered Magus. Froggie complained about cramped real estate, but the Birthday Bibik seemed to be most comfortable... illegal logging the whole night... Not being able to sleep, I went for a morning walk with my digicam. The insects weren't awake yet, but the birds were and the cool air coupled with the sound from the babbling brook were very relaxing.


After that, the rest of the gang woke up. Magus and I were the designated maids-- Siti and Haryanti, preparing breakfast. A hearty breakfast of microwaved leftover chicken wings, coral lettuce salad, blanched broccoli and starfruit. The cameras were whipped out again, this time camwhoring with props and makeshift costumes (the manifestation of the Our Lady of Serendah). Foregoing the jungle trekking (not quite keen to attempt talking to the caretakers again without a babel fish), we went for another swim. Plenty of camwhoring again. Caught plenty of rays. Horsing around and talking about everything under the sun. Before noon, we packed up and camwhored for the last time. The amount of fun one can obtain from a timer and a mini tripod. Priceless.


Our journey back to KL wasn't smooth, thanks to HINDRAF, police road blocks and road closures. KL-Seremban highway was closed and we had to take a detour to get to Restoran Kin Kin to try their famous dry chilli pan mee. DanielH ordered 9 bowls! The noodles have a nice texture and are done up slightly thicker than ramen. Very flavourful with an impeccably poached egg, minced meat and fried anchovies. A very clear soup with sayur manis. But the secret ingredient is the chilli topping. Nice!


We made our goodbyes and subsequently went to Bibik's place to wait for my ride home. We watched a little bit of the Disney classic, "Sleeping Beauty" as Magus was raving about Maleficent during the whole trip. Had fun pointing out kemiangan Aurora and the apparently butch Good Witch Merryweather. Before calling it a day, I had tea with SK at Sweet Deli Station, OUG. Just so-so. Just wanted to cool down with some tong sui. I was totally knocked out when I reached home, recovering lost sleep on the sofa...


...the end... or until DanielH cooks up another scheme...


daniel henry said…
next stop macau. come come!!!
or erm... lantau island... LOLs.

but seriously next year wanna go vietnam???
Magus Young said…
Lan tau island heheh sounds obscene..

Yes vietnam will be good, my mother hen just moved there..

btw will - so thorough your report, luckily you missed the one where my handphone had a dip in the pan mian heheh
adrien said…
9 bowls?! must be really good. halal or not?
Medie007 said…
the noodle with eggs looks nice...
William said…
Vietnam!! Where?

I'll say it, "Lan Ciao". :P. Forgot about that! And I didn't take a pic of the scribbles on the walls.

Sorry. There's minced kerbau pendek in there.

Memang sedapz.
Jason said…
Kin Kin! I swear I must go there again!
Little Prince said…
shit i feel like already miss kl's food... OMG!
vietnam... erm the main city? where everything happens?
Lau Niang said…
i think they eat dogs in vietnam right? got pan min there not?
William said…
I wonder if I can find the way.

Ohhh, Ho Chi Minh City.

Doggie Pan Mee.

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