
I've been getting a lot of weird dreams lately. Nothing as eleborate as Cheryl's Hollywood dreams, but still worthy of discussion. Please translate them for me if you have the knack for it:
  1. Work-related. Kind of. I was riding pillion on my partner company's MD's bicycle. A rotund Myanmarese with a fake smile that would make any salesman jealous. It wasn't a ride in the park, mind you. Think extreme sports. In dreamland, he can really bawak that basikal. He was bouncing around and practically breakdancing with it!
  2. A more recent dream involved me being a rodent. Not "Ratatouille", but the "Mousetrap" variety. I was scurrying around, hiding under beds and cupboards. But the thing was I could see myself as a man, but others saw me as a mouse.
  3. I dreamt that two fellow bloggers put their hands down my jeans trying to guess what underpants I was wearing on that day. :P
  4. The latest episode had me as demon who gone back to earth to mark my name on a demonspawn's toe who had made it big as a politician on earth. This one ended on a skanky note too. With 2 lesser demons. In human form of course! Hehe.

Welcome to my Tel'aran'rhiod. Please sign the guestbook on the way out. Thank you.

PS: I think from the last couple of dreams one can just conclude that I'm horny as hell. Heh. But that's settled, for now. :P


Will said…
The world waits anxiously to learn the cast of characters in number 3!
Jaded Jeremy said…
Omg, half expected Rand Al'Thor to appear ;-)

Hmmm as for the second dream, maybe someone is belittling you? Hope not ya.
savante said…
Who were those two skanky bloggers with their hands down your pants!!
Pike-chan said…
time to relax la... and let's go mamak with me... lolx
Anonymous said…
My interpretation:

1. You feel like being "taken for a ride" of which you have no control over.

2. You feel like a "criminal", having to scurry here and there in hiding in order to be yourself.

3. I can only hope I'm not one of them!!

4. I think the whole demon section at the start was just a setup for your fantasy demon seks :P
Janvier said…
Oh was no. 3 really a dream??? It doesn't have to be you know!

Light, did you ever finish up to book 13? We read all the way till book 9 or 10 in our youth, and now we can never tolerate the characters anymore, burn them!
Z said…
Weird dreams. Wet dreams. Haha.
Jason said…
Dream 1: You need a break, an exciting one.

Hahaha :P
Ganymede said…
I think I'm one of the two people who were trying to figure out what undies you were wearing. :P

Oh I see rat rat's mind controller is working on you. :P
[Q]-ben said…
thanks for dropping by. wow, nice dreams u have there.. scant n sexy..haha.
dull book? huh?
Cyclohelix said…
lol, twisted but fun dream :)
William said…
Haha. Nobody has gotten it right so far.

Feel like bale-firing someone...

A secret!


1) 2) Perhaps true.
3) No you're not.
4) Hehehehe.

Haha. I've read up to the latest book. The prequel not yet. Truth be told, I've forgotten most of them and their subplots...

Nolah, not wet!

Sponsor me that dream!

No wor.... Rat Rat's starting his diabolical plans!?

Hi. "Dull Book". See your blog tag line.

All dreams are twisted!

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