New Spec Old Spec

Hi people! I'm back from Bangkok (BKK), not BangCock (BCK) as some people like to put it. No such banging going on. I will write about my trip once I can find the time to compose my thoughts in a coherent manner. In the meantime, enjoy yourselves with this filler post. Hehe.

Gotten my new spectacles from David's (thanks!) shop some weeks back. I had thought that my power had increased through a cursory check at those machines at the store-front of optical houses. However, after a thorough check by David at his shop, I had found that my power has been stable for the past 2 years. Yay! My suspicions that my power had increased was just tiredness from all the LCD-screen-staring I do all day long. Perhaps all the billberry supplements I've been taking thus far has actually done some good. Anyway, decided to get another pair as a spare and a slight change in look. Rims these days all are quite thick and in-your-face. I, however, gave all of those a pass due tp practical reasons-- heavy spectacles tire out my eyes faster. It would be nice to be like William Soo and have a matching pair for every colour combination. The one I chose is slightly heavier than my old pair since it's slightly thicker, the lense index is a bit lower and the lense is a bit bigger. However, the change was still too subtle, it being the rimless type and gray-ish metallic. Nobody noticed the change. Heh.

Can you tell the difference?


Ganymede said…
Ooo thicker...

Ooo rim...

Oooo room...
Apollo n Hermes said…
Stil a lot of differents... The size and the shape. Yes, the thickness of the frame. :)
Jason said…
defiant85 ->>> RIM !??!?! what rim? rimming? rim? rimming?

aiyor.. since when you change specs? the day i met you ar ?
Pluboy2 said…
LOl.. this jase.. onli thinking of rimming..


heh heh heh... he has shown his true colours.. :)
MrBunnyBan said…
Erm. I can't see the difference.
Will said…
Glad you had a chance to take some leave and relax. Though I never relax in BKK, just run around nonstop!
William said…
Rim -> Room ?

Yes, you would know. Haha.

Yeah lar. At CB&TL.

Suk2 brings out the best in him.

Yeah loh. Most ppl can't tell.

Yeah, my poor aching legs!
Anonymous said…
apa beda si?
R said…
rims, rimming aside

i dun really notice much difference la. perhaps cuz i'm not a specky person gua
Will said…
hee hee Come here and I'll massage you legs for you :P

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