Download Those Memories

As we get older, the things that we used to like, the food we used to crave, the tv shows we used to not miss seem to lose their lustre, lose their appeal. I remember KFC to be the most heavenly smell around. Id be happy just standing outside their kitchen exhaust fan. But now, it doesn't quite compare. Have I changed, or has KFC changed? Another example would be my ex-love affair with the night market. It used to be for me an interesting spectacle, the mingle of people and food. Now the crowds turn me off. The food on sale fail to excite. A headache ensues, my eyes water and I'm out of there. Well, I guess we all change and everything around us does too. Cherish the memory. Nothing can beat it. Do not attempt to recreate them. Leave them be. Hold them dear. Cherish the memories.


MrBunnyBan said…
Fooood po...oh wait. It isn't a food post. :p

You can always create new memories to enrich the old. :)
Derek said…
Will dear, so serious stuff posted at midnight.

Yups, as bunny said, remember the old, create the new.

Me, basically I just hate crowds!
confusticated said…
me no likey many people. but they do make interesting photos, if they don't spend all their time trying to avoid the lens.
Little Prince said…
of cuz nothing beats memories... even the best pictures are the ones in our head... but you can't live in that zone all the time... without lost you wouldn't feel the need to cherish it...

i know you miss you old freedom more... that's all la kan... LOLs

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