Intoxicated Aunties

I fetched my mum to her friend's 54th birthday party and the moment the birthday "girl" laid eyes on me, she insisted that I join. I grudgingly said "yes" even though I was tired from my swim and I hadn't had the chance to properly dechlorinate and moisturize yet. Well, it wasn't a total loss. The food was quite good. Very German, with meat, meat and lotsa meat. It was catered by Le Oriental Catering, OUG. Customary spread of fried rice, fried mee-hoon, curry chicken, mixed vegetables, butter prawns, sambal squid, battered fish, fried yam balls and acar. If that wasn't enough, a lamb and pig was roasting over a spit at the front porch! Dessert was ABC and fruits. The roasted pig was great, managed to get some juicy choice cuts. Mints sauce came with the tender lamb meat and it was fabulous.

However, the highlight of the evening isn't really the food, it's the people. The aunties were all very happy. As usual, when they all get together, there'll be a lot of gossiping and the atmosphere will turn market-like. Put liqour and karaoke into the equation, and you'll get a carnival-like atmosphere. Bottles of red wine and beer were opened and emptied, only to be followed by JD and Hennessy. I peered into the karaoke room and I was shocked to find the aunties having the time of their lives singing and dancing away. For those had little love of singing continued guzzling down the hard liquor outside with much boisterous rigour. By the time the birthday cake came out, most of them were high. They sung the birthday song in English, Mandarin, Malay and Cantonese!

PS: Kebelakangan ini semasa jalan kaki kangkang sikit. Before the minds go wandering, it's from my swim after a 2-week absence from the pool.


Anonymous said…
wow talk abt aunties. they're reli having fun. oh n those foods, even without pics, oh its so scrumptious. wat abt uncles n cute twinks? :P
thompsonboy said…
kaki kangkang eh? jahat budak ni!!!
ikanbilis said…
reminds me of nasi kangkang... hahaha
Vengelyne said…
Jahat and nasi kangkang? Wow, your friends sure know you very well. ;P
daniel henry said…
damnit another food post... i damn hungriesss now... thou i never really like le oriental catering... not that good also la. HUNGRIEsss!!!
William said…
Welcome. Uncles? ekkk. Twinks? None. Just a Form 3 caterer with exceptionally glowing skin. Celaka.

It evoked the expected response. :D

Nasi Kangkang! Bwahaha. Gross. I still remember those stories.

Fitnah dan dusta! :D

Hi. You'll have to settle for Nippon ryori.

Yeah, been taing lessons since July.
MrBunnyBan said…
Ooo, what type of swimming lesson is this? Got lots of cruising and gyrating movements? :P
Anonymous said…
Seems you're getting a fantastic gay following! And I mean all 3 definitions!

"I hadn't had the chance to properly dechlorinate and moisturize yet"
OMG I don't even do that after I swim! Which reminds me, I haven't swam for months. :(
Derek said…
Yeahlor, how gay is that? Haven't completely dechlorinise and moisturise? LOL

Erm ... didn't know a group of aunties can be this fun! A group of aunites always scares me ... coz they ask too many probing questions!

P/S Why type the kangkang words in such small fonts? ;P
William said…
I didn't sign up for the Belly Dancing classes. Perhaps they offer a combo. :D

3? It's great to attract readers from all walks of life. As you said, you comment on mine, I'll comment on your's. :) But currently, the taburan demographic is not so sekata. :D. I have dry skin, so sue me. :D

I go facial also kena, lather some lotion also kena. Haha. Bolding those words would have been so.... crude. Haha. But it has achieved the desired effect.

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