Down Time

Originally uploaded by williamnyk.
Recently, I replaced my old dingy mattress with a spring mattress (no, it wasn't a cash-stuffed mattress). On the first morning I woke up from it, my neck, shoulder and lower back was all stiff. It was only natural for me to blame the mattress for my suffering (so sue me for making an accusation based on circumstantial evidence). Well, it turns out that the stiffness and pain was due to my annual fever. Had to resort to my long-lost friend acetaminophen. By Friday night, I was burning up and yet found the energy to do a little shopping at Sunway Pyramid on Saturday. Bought myself a pair of flip-flops for pool-side use. Nearly bought some boardshorts as well, but my ass-deficiency was a deterring factor. Refrained from seeing the doctor. Trying to be antibiotic-free for as long as possible. Worst of all, I missed another chance to swim, and I'm beginning to wonder if I can remember how to. Took me 4 days to get back to normal after all the lethargy and stiffness. Heh. On a final note, thank goodness, I didn't lose any precious weight.

PS: Thanks to those who had wished me well. :D


thompsonboy said…
I am sure u will be happy to see this garbage
Anonymous said…
What the fwaaah-ck?!
ikanbilis said…
you're feeling down too?
Unknown said…
you're previliged to be ass deficient... lately i am in excess of ass... hehehe
glad u are better...
i think i caught some kind of bug too...
William said…
The anonymous was me.

Physically, yes. Emotionally, a bit.

Haha. I think some kind of virus is making its rounds...

You growing fat on carrots?

As much as I like to keep myself disease-free, my body will normally shut down once a year. Closed for "stock count". :D
Jaded Jeremy said…
Ass-deficiency?? You gotta be kidding. If that's the case, I have no ass then.

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