
In my last post on education, I talked about commercialism and exams. And the mother
of all commercialism in the education sector is definitely tuition classes. I too have dabbled a little in that in my spare time, but that's another story. It's so very common these days. Children as young as 7 are shoved into tuition classes these days. What deranged and kiasu parents. I know of one parent who sends her Primary 1 child to tuition classes when her son's school has its own extra classes and dishes out plenty of homework. And you know what? The mother still finds the time set up trial exams for her poor child and dig up past year papers. Unheard of in my time. I only started taking tuition when I was in Secondary 5. The concept is similar to traditional chinese supplements -- Got disease, cure disease. No disease, healthier body. Go for it even if you don't need it. And some places actually screen students. Kalau dah memang pandai tu, tak payahlah nak cari tuition.

Anyway, I'm writing this post because of one Andrew Choo, a tuition center operator who has slot on 988. Everyday, around 8:45pm he'll come on giving out tips in his extremely annoying mixture of English and Mandarin:

"Halloooo, I'm Andrew Choo. Did you know what all teachers said last week? Siapa ikut tipsss Andrew Choo untung besar. Yang tak ikut tu rugi! Nearly 70% of my tips for PMR Sains Paper 2 was accurate. So now students, I will give out tips for Geography Pa-per 1, 2-0-0-6. Listen carefully worrr....... yadda yadda yadda....... OK, you got that? Study hard. I'm Andrew Choo. Bai Bai......"



Anonymous said…
The sad thing is our education system has been reduced to spotting exam questions rather than actually understanding the content. In the end, exams results become more important than knowledge.

Wonder who really are the dumb ones?
ikanbilis said… revealed this once. total scam. simply stupid. urgh i hate this worse than seminars that gives tips
Anonymous said…
no one wants to end ip with afailure of a child!.. what else to brag about at weddings, parties, funerals, yada yada yada...Hypocrites!..But then again, who knows, we might end up joining the bandwagon when we have kids the next time
Unknown said…
i never took tuition... just a month or two and i left... didn't quite see the purpose...
i dun get how people can spot and all lah... ruins the learning process *agreeing with drownedglass*
and that andrew thing... for real ah? hmmm... *shocked*
Jaded Jeremy said…
I took tuition for BM in Form 3. Learned a lot from the tutor, especially technique in karangan. Stays with me for life.

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