Choking me softly...

Originally uploaded by williamnyk.
Note: A little late, but not *too* late, right?

A nice hazy view from the 14th floor of a apartment block in Serdang Perdana. One can just make out the el cheapo fairy lights decor at Mine's Wonderland below. Though I spent a year in the choking smog of Jakarta, the haze still irritates me. It's different from the wafting smoke from clove ciggies and the uncontrolled emmissions from vehicles that should have been "put to sleep" years go. It's a different type of suffocation. In Jakarta, one can look forward to going home to KL for relatively fresh air, but if the problem is back home, mana lagi nak pergi? 15 years back, when my family used to travel to KL from the east coast during school holidays (I remember visiting Hankyu Jaya and Yaohan as a really thrilling experience), I found the air burnt. Today, I can't really tell the difference between fresh air and city air. Still, the haze is too filthy not to notice.


Anonymous said…
I like the title of this entry - choking me softly... hahahaha gosh....
savante said…
OMIGOD. What fresh air!
William said…
Thanks for dropping by. I was about to post it as "Haze" (so predictable, right?), but suddenly the song "Killing Me Softly" came to mind.

*Cough* *Cough*

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