"Criikey! I've got a giant boomerang glued to me balls!", exclaimed the Mr. Koala.
That can practically sum up my job at the moment. I have 40+ screens to finish by November, with only 2 other colleagues to help out. I'm screwed. Looks like I'll have to cancel my Raya holiday plans too.
Stress... I woke up today, brushed my teeth. Walked to my chest of drawers. Picked up my alarm clock. Saw that the time was 4:00AM. F*ck. Ugh.
PS: The koala is a souvenier from Australia my colleague got me. And yes, the boomerang IS glued to his balls.
That can practically sum up my job at the moment. I have 40+ screens to finish by November, with only 2 other colleagues to help out. I'm screwed. Looks like I'll have to cancel my Raya holiday plans too.
Stress... I woke up today, brushed my teeth. Walked to my chest of drawers. Picked up my alarm clock. Saw that the time was 4:00AM. F*ck. Ugh.
PS: The koala is a souvenier from Australia my colleague got me. And yes, the boomerang IS glued to his balls.
Opposite situation here... I am pay to JUST SIT in the office doing NOTHING AT ALL.. also bored..can't stand. How am i going to go through this for the whole coming 3 months !!!
I have 2 of that same koalas you have... one in yellow and one in red, but both of them have matching coloured caps. I've had them for 2 years and never realised that the boomerangs are stuck to their bebola-s.
Work's a bore. At least you don't have to do cold-calling like me... PTOOI!
Jemur nyawa plak ni...
Hey! My birthday comes first. :P
Yeah, the situation is critical now. Hopefully relevant resouces will be pumped in. *fingers crossed*
The boomerang better really really like him as well. :P
Yeah, I did spread the little critter's legs... Hehe.
Another fantastic photo. If your customers used video phones, perhaps your job would be easier.
I hate you.
William: psycho + nympho + perv?
That is the life!