Gnome Around The World I

Originally uploaded by williamnyk.
Inspired by the French movie Amelie, this post will have my little gnome travelling around the world, seeing the sights. In the movie, Amelie steals her father's garden gnome and takes pictures of it at various famous locations around the world. She then sends the snapshots to her father (how she fakes the postmarks, or why is her father is so dumb if the postmarks are local, is not explored in the movie). As a result, her father decides to stop mourning the death of his wife and go out to see the world. Our first stop, Barcelona. Temple de la Sagrada Familia by the famous Antoni Gaudi (1884 - 1926).


_ said…
SHE didn't fake it! she gave it to her flight assistant friend who really DID take the gnome around the world.. watch the movie properly!!
Anonymous said…
T is right.

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