
The last movie from Takashi Miike (he's the guy from Istana Takeshi) I watched was Zatoichi and I liked it. So the moment I saw Izo, I immediately bought it. The movie is confusing. I can't really put it in words. Here's a poor attempt at it:

Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill;
Weird guitar solo;
Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill;
Sex with a lady with bad makeup;
Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill;
Weird guitar solo; Kill;
Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill;
Sex with "Mother Nature"; Kill; Kill; Kill;
Warning: Spoiler ahead!;
Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill; Kill;
Weird guitar solo.

The scenes are all messed up, ancient characters, modern settings; and vice versa. It got tiresome after a while.

Memorable quotes: "We made love once, doesn't it mean anything to you?", "My penis stroked your hole and it felt good, nothing more".


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