
Market, Coffee, Tea

To start off, Notepad++ crashed on me ( not that it never happened before ) and killed my text file in the process. I'm kinda pissed because that text file contained all my blog post notes that I had to publish! All my hard work gone in an instant! So forgive me if I'm gonna be a little brief here cause I had forgotten all the details!!! Go market beli sayur . Makan Daniel's wantan noodles. Bought some egg tarts from Tong Kee . Went out tea time paktor  with KH. Wanted Wild Sheep Chase, but there was a long line. Huge floor space, limited tables. Hunger marketing perhaps. Alternative?  Les Deux Garcons just a short walk away. Another couple did the same. The latte we ordered came in something that reminded me of a bowl more than a cup. It wasn't bad. Our table was next to a bunch of orang kaya  who brought their own liquor in a cooler box. They toasted each other: "So much suffering in the world, so let's enjoy life!" Didn't order

Merdeka Mandheling

On Merdeka morning, had a dim sum breakfast with mum at Tian Xin , Equine Park. I was a bit surprised by how much mum ordered. Not her style at all, especially when it comes to meat. Did some shopping at AEON after that, but there weren't many Merdeka specials at all, so we didn't stay for long. Lunch was homecooked. An elaborate pairing of sweet potato-pumpkin soup with pan-fried salmon and sanma. Had an avacado too. Called my darling KH and Wai out for coffee in the afternoon. Our first choice was Sharky's recommendation-- Wild Sheep Chase at Taman Desa. Unfortunately, it wasn't open. Took us a while to find it since they didn't have a sign up. Ugh. KH suggested Await Cafe . My first time there. A Cina cafe for single origins hunters. I ordered a cup of Sumatran Madheling and it suit my palatte quite well. Paired that with a slice of cheesecake. No Merdeka feel at all this year. Hardly see any flags. I'm sure that Malaysians love their country, but they a

Political Douching

Mum and I did not participate in the fourth BERSIH rally. She told me that at her age, she shouldn't be running from tear gas canisters anymore. Haha. So on Saturday morning, I brought her to the wet market at Jalan Hujan Emas 8, Taman OUG. Quite a sight to behold really. Although we did not go to BERSIH, BERSIH some how came to us. Many of the vendors were wearing BERSIH 4 T-shirts. From the vegetable sellers to the fish mongers to the butchers to the wantan noodle hawkers. Those who did not have official T-shirts wore yellow. The same scene repeated itself at the main market at Jalan Hujan Gerimis 5. Even the staff at my favourite noodle stall were all in yellow. The only yellow I wore was my GX3 underwear. LOL. As usual, we had lunch at home. Cooked up a couple of plates of wholemeal noodles and paired it with roasted duck from the market. Satisfying. Went to The Mines with SK after that. Mum wanted to take a look at the Ms Read warehouse sale over there. Been ages since


Just some two weeks back, a colleague of mine lost control of her car on MEX highway while tackling a bend in the rain. Her cute little Hyundai i10 swerved from left to right after hitting her brakes. She lost control of the brakes and the steering wheel. When her car finally came to a halt, it was inches from the railing. Thankfully, no other vehicles were involved in that incident and she was not hurt, only shaken. That should have prompted me to have my tyres checked. It happened to me while I was driving home on a rainy night. Like her, I was manoeuvring a bend and when I hit my brakes, I could immediately feel my car moving forward faster than I intended. There was no way to steer. The car just lunged head on to the pavement. The moment my car hit the pavement, the steering unlocked and it rebounded to the outer lane. I regained control and drove back to the left lane, without missing a beat. I knew I was very lucky that there were no cars beside me at that moment. I continued t

German Day, Japanese Night

KH bought a Groupon voucher for a meat platter at SOP ( Sound of Paradigm ), Paradigm Mall some months ago. He utilised it at the final weekend before it expired. Rounded up SK, Nicky05 and Sharky to join. Huge floor space but only a few tables occupied on a Saturday afternoon. Funny that the waiter told KH that they were fully-booked. Kelentong le tu . Was nice to see Nicky05 and Sharky again. The platter consisted of a pork knuckle, schnitzel, pork belly, bacon and a side of mash and sauerkraut. Also ordered some dark German beer and it was fun getting Sharky to drink it. One sip and he looked ready to hurl! At the end, we got him to take a wefie for us. That kid is a real natural. His arms are biological wefie sticks. Went to Pacific Coffee after that but Sharky didn't join. He needed to 'comfort' his gor who had just gone through a breakup. Another makan-makan event was slotted in the evening. An early celebration for Lifebook's birthday at Yamada . Sad to

Undies Survey

I've had the "My Fave Undies Survey!" link on my blog since February 2011. So far it has garnered a yawn-inducing 124 respondents. Haha. It goes slowly, so what he heck, I'll just release the interim summary. Not all the questions are here because I added those much later, hence even less data to play with. So this is the feedback I received: Mini briefs came out tops. The most practical design for work and play I suppose. A balance between coverage and sexiness. Are you a mini briefs guy? I know I am. When it comes to the underwear band, most of the respondents prefer thick bands. More than half. Looks like Marky Mark in his undies left a lasting impression even after so many years. Personally, I dislike bands that are too thick. When you sit down, the fold, and that ruins the elastic. White seems to be favourite colour for my readers. Very basic, but very sexy at the same time. Unfortunately, harder to maintain. No skid marks please. Hehe. My personal


The kids were still with mum and I on Sunday. Brought them to mass with us. Holed them up in the kiddy room as usual to avoid disturbances to the liturgy. While I was driving out of church, I asked Big Monster where he wanted to have lunch. Little Monster immediately got up, pulled my face to the left, and started in a puppy dog voice, "Kau fu... please bring me Jusco... please, please, please...". Wow, the kid knows how to plead and show puppy eyes now. Anyway, went to Atria Shopping Gallery. Our first time them after the revamp. I was warned that getting parking would not be so easy, but I was lucky that day. Atria is easy to navigate. Very uniform, just a long hall, no turnings, no hidden corners. Lunched at Nosh Up , a restaurant serving a mixture of Western and Asian cuisine. I was lazy to go looking around and was attracted by their "kids eat free" policy. The waiter gave the kids some crayons and some pre-printed paper. I ordered the big breakfast and duck

Sexy Saturday

It was a babysitting weekend for mum and I because my sister had an exhibition at PWTC. Ate breakfast at my sister's place and played with the little ones till noon. Back home, KH was waiting for me. We made sweaty love on my bed. Later in the afternoon, he sent me to my sister's place and stopped a while to play with the kids. Little Monster was on a block frenzy building bigger and bigger Duplo rifles. He then started filling his school bag with blocks. Stuffed it full! In the evening, SK fetched Apollo's mum and her granny over to watch the Astro Classic Golden Melody show while we went out to have coffee at Piccolo Cafe . Glad to see that they were still around and seating was nearly full. Although I have green tea lattes, I gave it a try. Not too bad. LOL. For cake we had Tofufah cake and it even came with a drizzle of brown sugar. A nice way to spend a rainy evening ( of course snuggling naked in bed together would have been much more preferrable! ).

My Weekend

Went to OUG wet market as usual and had a big bowl of curry noodles for breakfast. Amazed that it still cost MYR4.50 after the implementation of GST. Back at home, I rearranged my Laq model for something more angular. I immediately missed my geodesic sphere. Haha. Mum was supposed to make wine chicken for lunch, but the rice wine turned to piss. She threw that out and went for plan B-- Noodles in chicken soup. In the afternoon, I revived my swim routine with the pair of olive green Aussiebum swim trunks that just arrived in the mail. Took more than a month. Thought some postman had swiped it. In the evening, my neighbour brought over a plate of onde-onde with a twist-- the skin had a mixture of sweet potato in it. Quite yummy. On Sunday, mum went for her massage in Kepong again. We ate an expensive hawker lunch at Restoran Sixty Three Kopitiam . Standard price: MR6.50. Ouch. I did some reading at Nelson Tan Cafe while waiting for KH to appear. So nice of him to accompany