
Birthday Monday

KH's birthday was on Monday and it's really a rare occasion that I celebrate it with him on the actual day. Went over to Mediteca to have lunch with him. And SK was nice enough to join since it was her day off. Sad to say that the lunch set looks a bit sad now. Smaller portions on large plates. Just... looks... a... bit... pathetic. Gave KH a mini birthday present as he still in the midst of ordering his main gift off Lazada. He wanted a tablet to read comics. Last Friday, we went to Plaza Low Yatt to do a little tablet survey. Decided upon the Asus MemoPad8. Cheaper to buy it online though. Stopped at KopiClub after that, in the Low Yatt basement food court. Tried something really weird-- Kopi Soyacino Ping. LOL. Kopi Ping with soya bean and cincau. LOL. Weird. Back to Monday! The mini gift was a Lamy Swift Anthracite rollerball pen. More for his new job actually, something I hope he would use at work and remind him of me ( but not as a pencil dick! ). Also gave him a card

The Journey

Two local films were released at the same time during CNY with very different results. One was "Ah Beng: Mission Impossible" that grossed about MYR4mil without much contribution to society ( they still haven't grown tired of the character Ah Beng, even Sacha Baron Cohen knows to spew out different characters ). The other was "The Journey" and is the #1 top-grossing Malaysian film of all time, grossing MYR15mil at the time of writing ( thanks to Apollo who watched it thrice ). The story is pretty simple, a woman comes home to Cameron Highlands after spending years and years in the United Kingdom to get her father's blessing for her marriage to an ang moh . To make the story interesting, the father figure is obstinate and the couple bow to his request for a proper Chinese wedding banquet. That propels the story into a cross-country journey where the dad goes on a road trip with his future son-in-law to deliver wedding invitations. This set the scene for cult

Waterless Market

Seems like weeks since I visited the OUG wet market. Some changes had taken place-- the parking at the multi-level car park is no longer a flat rate of MYR2 and a new covered market had opened nearby housing some butchers and spice merchants. Heard that OUG was stricken with water rationing so we decided not to eat breakfast there. Should be quite bad really. When I was at one of the neighbourhood Chinese medicine halls looking for toilet cleaner: Moi: Mana itu cecair cuci tandas? Staff: Tandas? Tandas takde air. Takde! Takde! There was a gathering at MaisonSK that night and the proximity of it to KH's birthday prompted me to order a birthday cake from ~Alex~. Since KH was having a red velvet craze of late, I got him the French version, a red velvet entremet. Picked it up from his home, then had breakfast at Goon Wah in Kuchai Lama. The waitress was a bit pushy, ending up ordering a little too much for two. From there, I drove to the Poslaju centre in Balakong to pick up a

Shopping Celebrities: FOS Frank & Empire Ed

I know I've been slacking in this department, so here are some pics from the CNY season. LOL. Better late than never. The first guy is FOS Frank . As the name suggests, he works at FOS. Avenue K to be exact. Not sure if he's still there though. The last I was there was to buy some peach-coloured shorts for KH and I. He was the trainee cashier who punched in my items. So innocent looking right with his slitty eyes? And just look at his button badge. I'm sure many would need help from him. Second guy is Empire Ed. He was manning the life-like clay sculpture stall at Empire Subang. Think people were more interested with other more traditional stalls during the CNY season. Nice pouty lips kan ? And the way his bangs fall across his face. Can imagine a scene where you brush away his hair before kissing him. LOL. Keep your fingers crossed. More to come!

Singapore Story IV: Pray & Fly

An interesting fact: KH does not follow me to mass in Malaysia, but he promised that he would in Singapore. So I always give him a chance to keep his promise when I'm in town. Hehe. Woke up real early on Sunday morning to attend the 8:00 am mass at St Joseph's Church, Victoria Street. Just walking distance from Tater's place. The Gothic Revival style Roman Catholic church was built in 1906 by the Portugese mission. As expected, not many parishioners and half of the seating was not available due to restoration works. More than half the time, I couldn't catch what the elderly French priest was saying ( thick-accented mumbling ). Luckily the sermon was done by his assistant. Took the customary photos and left for breakfast. Cut through another nearby parish, The Church of St. Peter & St. Paul to get to Food For Thought , just across the road. Arranged to meet Tater there at 9:30 am. Quite rare that I get proper breakfast in Singapore. Normally its just yog

Singapore Story III: Deviant Brunch & Temple Visit

Saturdays are perfect for sleeping in. More so with your horny boyfriend by your side. Needless to say we ended up making love again, but we didn't quite finish the job. By the time we emerged from the room, Tater was already going through his second cup of coffee. We all gathered in the living room to talk about his date the night before. Things sounded quite promising and best of all, there was some cheeky flirting going on. An hour before noon, we made a move to Artichoke for brunch of 'deviant middle eastern' food. Every time we walk past the beauty parlours below his service apartment, the China girls will push Tater for a massage. But when I walk past, its either silence or facial offers. Big difference. Hidden from plain view in Sculpture Square, Artichoke serves great food in a cosy environment surrounded by edible herb gardens and astro turf stools. We shared the mezze platter and bacon and eggs. Bacon sounds simple, but it was actually a whole big strip of pork

Singapore Story II: Abandoned

Woke up on Friday morning to a kiss, a grope and a fuck. LOL. Thankfully Tater had left for work, so I could moan my heart out. Huhu. Two cumshots later, we fell asleep again. When we finally got out of bed, we found that Tater had brought out milk and cereal for us. Never been much of a fan of hamster food, so KH bought me a raisin cream bun from Barcook Bakery on our way out to town. KH was telling me that it was one of his favourite breakfast bite while working in Singapore. Too creamy for me. Walked past the busy streets to Bugis MRT. The place is always busting with activity. Street vendors, pedlars, hawkers, fortune tellers, diviners, mediums and tourists. Our lunch plans were at China Square. Met KH's ex-colleague, Lily for the first time. He mentions her quite a lot, so it's good to a face to a name. Good thing was the she knew who I was, so I didn't feel so wu liao . The funny thing was that KH tried to give her a big hug at the lobby of her office and she

Singapore Story I: MaisonTater & MBS

A strange feeling travelling to Singapore together with KH. All this while, it was a solo trip to visit him. It was never a holiday trip there together. But it happened anyway, more than a year after he relocated back to KL. The trip was sponsored by Air Asia because they had decided to 'bless' him with some free flight vouchers. He used the bulk of it to fund his family vacation to Melbourne ( and no I wasn't included T_T ). The flight was at 10:45 am, so I arranged for the taxi driver to come at 8:30 am. Forgot about the possible jam at Equine Park, but I was lucky that morning. Made some small talk but mostly I asked him about the MyTeksi app. The way he described it, taxi drivers wouldn't pick up passengers that weren't in very close proximity cause potential passengers tend to cancel. This makes the app seem less reliable and responsive. Taxi drivers that register with MyTeksi have to maintain a pre-loaded account with them. With each successful passenger pi