
TaterInTown(tm) Tuesdays

Both Potato Bill and QueerRanter flew into town on Tuesday. However, QueerRanter was on a much later flight, so we had no chance to meet up. Arranged for dinner to be at Grand Harbour , Fahrenheit 88, down at LG2. On the way there, KH showed me the hidden fire escape that led to the dodgy Serai Day Spa that offered a prostate massage thinly-disguised as a Chakra massage. Wasn't impressed with Grand Harbour's cleanliness as all the marble top tables were decorated water stains and oil rings. But at least their dim sum were cute-sy. Didn't take long for Bill to walk over from The Westin. As usual, we gave him dual welcome hugs and proceeded to fill our tummies! Wasn't quite happy that most of the fried items were sold out by dinner time. Ordered some standard items like siew mai , signature fried noodles and pan-fried meat buns. For the cute-sy stuff, KH ordered the piggy lotus paste buns and rabbit quail egg dumplings. Two pots of PuErh later, we moved to Tous Les Jou

Red Egg Easter

Early on Easter Sunday morning, mum made hard-boiled eggs. Some she stained red, and some she left bare. Was wondering how to decorate the eggs. I had a bottle of leftover glass paint, but decided against it since the egg shells are porous. Ended up using stickers. LOL. Went to Easter Sunday mass and turns out that they gave out Easter eggs too! SK organized an Easter lunch at Ichi Zen , First Subang Mall. Think the old shop was Edo Ichi, but already gulung tikar due to the lousy human traffic there. Arrived a bit late cause First Subang Mall wasn't even in Waze or Google Maps. It's that bad. My mum spotted Datuk Chua Jui Meng in the restaurant. She's quite observant. We were the last to arrive. Apollo, QueerRanter-D, SK and the old folks were already there and eating. In my opinion, The Pavilion branch serves better food. Went hunting for coffee after that at Coffee Chemistry Signature . Thought it wa another dead outlet, but we were wrong. The customers were actu

In Memoriam

Swiped from Rita Crane @ Flickr We've known each other three years. We got to know each other from those crazy connections of a friend of a friend. Since then, we wished other "good morning" and "good night" nearly every day. Our conversation would flow from the inane to the serious. From mundane to skanky. We've had our differences, and had argued some time along the way. But our friendship did not break. You were a very private person and I respected your wishes to be in the background. But you were never a stranger to me. All of a sudden, you're no longer there. You've gone ahead to God's evergreen pastures. I will keep your memory fondly in my breast. The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace. Goodbye dear friend. Rest in peace.

Holy Week

Kinda breezed through Lent. It was Holy Week already. Wanted to attend Maundy Thursday mass, but an important meeting at work had scuttled those plans. Such a sin to arrange meetings at 4:30 pm. Been a few years since I saw the priest washing the feet of his 'disciples'. On Good Friday, I did not want to take an chances, so I took half day off. Would have taken the whole day off if not for a pesky meeting in the morning. Lunched with Legolas, BeautifulMale and KH at Grandmama's before heading home. Spent time with the kids and napped a little before heading out to mass at 7:00 pm ( had a very early dinner ). Traffic was a bit bad, but we made it on time. In accordance with church liturgy, all the fonts were dry with no holy water; the crucifix and all statues were covered with purple cloth; the altar was uncovered and the sepulchre was empty. After the Liturgy of the Word ( a long reading of the Passion of the Lord ), a wooden cross was carried into the church. In the en

LRT Celebrities: Sailor Sam

Think my back stories have been boring the bejeezers out of you guys. If they were back room stories, I'm sure it would be very different. So here I am with a little breather for all of you... an edition of LRT Celebrities. Today I introduce to you Sailor Sam . Spotted him travelling on the Kelana Jaya line towards KLCC. From the looks of him, he is a college student who has a thing for... sailors? LOL. All sorts of Tom of Finland images start flashing in my mind. LOL. According to face feng shui , his thick, pouty Angelina Jolie lips points to a high sex drive! Wonder if its true! No way to be sure unless you start some kind of Japanese train porn scene. ;).

Chatting Le Chatelier

Dragged the kids to church on Sunday, but mum didn't want to use the new 'Quiet Room'. As expected, they made a ruckus at some point during mass, either wailing for food or snatching things from each other. Many parents don't seem keen on using it, preferring to have unrealistic optimism about their children's behaviour. Can't blame the priests for being a bit frustrated that after spending money on the thing, people refuse to use it. Soon they might start issuing 'banishments'. That Sunday marked the start of Holy Week, i.e. Palm Sunday. The kids nearly poked their eyes out with the palm fronds. Yikes. The obvious choice for lunch was at Paradigm Mall. Even before I turned in to the underpass, Big Monster already knew where I was heading. "Paradigm Mall again?!" Kids these days. Sat down at Pasta Zanmai for some pasta, seafood cream soup, pizza and salad. Little Monster hungrily ate all that although he had two slices of banana cake in

Seeing Suzy

Sis and BIL was off to Korea for a business trip so the kids were in our care again. Early in the morning, they had already eaten some fried noodles that my mum prepared. And when we went out to have breakfast, they had their second round of wantan noodles. Also had lunch nearby. Shared some mixed rice and CKT. At around 2:00 pm, SK came over to fetch us to Kuchai Lama. KH had actually bought tickets to "Let's Rock: The Musical" over Groupon. The original plan was for me to bring my mum, and he would bring his mum ( quite a situation hor? ). But since mum suddenly had to babysit, I let mum go with a friend instead. It was a musical based on the famous 80s band "The Winners". Never noticed that there was a Mega Star Arena beside the Kuchai Lama KFC. Turns out it houses the South Gate Church as well. Quite hidden. After dropping mum, SK and I went to KFC to tapau lunch. Little Monster fell asleep on the back seat cushion, so we drove home. The kid got up before