

Maybank has launched their all new Maybank2u interface. A facelift and a few jabs of Botox. But it could really use some sheep placenta shots while they are at it. Looks pretty and classier too, but the screen real estate has shrunk considerably and the response time is atrocious. 3 minutes to load a confirmation screen. Goodness. Hope its just a slow recovery after the major surgery. I guess the system tweaking should be finished soon after all these initial performance hiccups for an improved banking experience. I depend on it a lot ever since Saturday banking was axed. In the meantime, I will have to get used to watching the progress icon spin and spin and spin and spin...


SK had her gall bladder removed on Monday and is now recuperating at a private hospital in Cheras. She is still not well enough to stand and still experiences pain, so she will be warded for a little while longer. However, she is already starting to take some semi solid food. A word of Thanks to all the well wishers who have definitely made her hospital stay more bearable. But she is also not without entertainment from her 3 8 wardmates. I will give her the honour of blogging about that. I pray that she will be well enough to be discharged tomorrow.


Finn Peters @ the Polish Club Birmingham, October 11th. 2008 Swiped from Garry Corbett . Staleness Factor: 6/5. Before blogging about my own birthday, must get this out of the way first! Celebrated Janvier's boyfriend's ( Lam Lam ) birthday at Alexis, Great Eastern Mall some Saturdays ago. Mum was off gallivanting in Johor, travelling around Bukit Tinggi, Kulai and Muar with her posse, so I had a little more freedom. Anyway, Lam Lam is a difficult person to shop for. I don't really know what he likes. Even contemplated buying him a buku latihan matematik ! Had to resort to calling Janvier for some pointers. Finally settled on a bedsheet and an Esprit t. It was a surprise party that started an hour late due to logistics and traffic problems. But never mind, we started the reverie without the star anyway. Wine and cocktails were poured. It was fun seeing Alex getting all playful and loud, while even the most composed JL showed some interesting change after a Long Isl


The dreaded showdown between my General Manager and a Project Director did not materialize. If the Project Director turned up, it would have been a clash of titanic proportions. My GM was visibly agitated with all the accusations hurled at us. For all these years, I have never seen him raise his voice. Today, he was nearly shouting at the Project Manager and he seemed to have a wild look in his eyes. However, his thoughts were clear on the matter. If we cannot work together and keep on arguing about ownership, then I will just walk out of the project. I have better things to deal with. The truth of the matter is, the partner that we have been working with for so many long years are very uncooperative. A dinosaur that refuses to change but is adamant for others to fit their archaic ways. Musuh dalam selimut. Sigh. It is not surprising that so far two vendors have failed to work with them. Walk away. Ah, what a prospect.


Yes folks, I will be turning 28 tomorrow. The chinese love this number because it sounds like EASY RICH. However, it can also mean EASY FAT. I hope it will be the former for me, NOT the latter. Unfortunately, my birthday coincides with a dark time in my working life. Not quite in the mood to celebrate it really, but celebrate it I will. My wish list is not updated, so you can all just do me a funds transfer. Thanks. Muacks in advance.

Buka Puasa

DNA Swiped from williamnyk . Staleness Factor: 6/5 => A blast from the past! Whenever KH comes back to KL, it is usually a juggling act of priorities. He has to plan time for me and his family. Ditto for me. Sometimes, scheduling is easy. At other times, clashes may happen and we have to accept the disappointment. Fortunately, his recent trip was very fruitful as I managed to occupy 50% of his time in KL. For 3 days in a row, we got to be together and it felt good ( his mother grumbled, "Seeing HIM again ah?" ). On Saturday, after work ( I got an earful from my boss at 9:00am, but more of that in a dedicated post ), SK and I went to pick him up at his home and sat down to lunch at Capri Dessert , Seri Petaling. Had an interesting meal of Claypot Rice with Stewed Ribs and Lotus Root. Also had their Fried Seawood Roll that actually looked like mini mussels after it was sliced. Dropped SK off at her home before proceeding to Amcorp Mall. I bought "A Thousand Pie

LRT Observations 1

Someone walks toward the turnstile. He stops halfway to fumble for his stored value ticket but does not find it. People in that situation normally do not realise that they are obstructing traffic. Please move to one side. Someone walks to the turnstile and inserts his ticket. It fails to turn. He backs up and steps on someone's toes. We normally forget that someone is behind us. So please look first. And please don't tailgate. This community service message is in no way sponsored by RapidKL.