
1 Day 1 Question

LRTCrotch Swiped from williamnyk . Here I am trying to do a version of David's side-blog ( with the name above ): Why the FUCK must some guys sit on the LRT with their BLOODY legs so wide open? It really makes me wonder. It's rush hour. People are packing into the trains. Everyone is looking for a place to sit on the long journey to the city. And some idiot comes along, sits on the limited seats like his balls have swollen to the size of grapefruits. For goodness sake, keep your legs together and let an extra person sit down! If you're wearing a skirt, and would like to air your family jewels, then by all means, spread those legs, but if not, please keep them together. Extremely inconsiderate. The same goes for idiots who like to read the papers of the train, especially Chinese newspapers. They're already so unwieldly, so please have the common sense to fold up the papers before you read, not open them all the way like you're sitting in your lazy chair at h


There are things in our life that are very private in nature, hence not usually shared with others. But when the time comes to share it, we may have hang ups about it and perhaps develop a kind of mental block that prohibits you from sharing that inner part of yourself. However, with perseverance, patience and a strong will, all obstacles can and will be removed. As it is said, good things happen to those who wait. And I am glad that I was given the time to adapt, given the chance to show my worth, and most importantly, given the love and gentle, guiding hand tofind my way around the difficulties and make myself comfortable with the situation. So far, the discoveries have been mindblowing and I am very grateful. In time, I hope the harvest will be plenty...

BKK Detour 1

Queer Graffiti Swiped from elmada . Note: Dear readers, this is just some random observation from my trip that would not fit to well in my daily vacation report. After spending 6 days in Bangkok I've come to notice something that I missed while I was there for 5 weeks, 3 years back. The Thai seem to have a thing for phallic symbols. They come in all shapes and sizes ( as do the real thing, hehe) , from the obscenely large to easy-carry versions. Mostly, I've seen them carved from wood, but the smaller versions can also be found cast from metal (with extra dragon motif). At first, I thought them dildos, until I started seeing them all over the place-- from taxi dasboards to altars to food stall counters to keychains. Frankie even tells me that are tied to waist like an amulet. As far as I can tell, it has some kind of religious significance. They seem to be revered. I can see garlands of flowers placed over them. Some even have inscriptions and gold leaf. And for those

Hobbit Feet

Hobbit Feet Swiped from williamnyk . Neither am I talking about the Small Office, Home Office concept nor the place in US, but actually a foot treatment company. I guess I could say the cheap version of a podiatrist. The don't give pedicures and are not qualified to correct your foot problems but they specialize in cracked heels, bunions, calluses, toenail infections and the other sort of nasty skin conditions of the foot. They set up a booth at Jusco Seri Kembangan and the response was amazing. Young and old were lining up to get the the dead skin removed from their at RM25. Quite cheap seeing that the results are quite obvious and that the treatment takes around 2 hours and much disgusting effort on the part of the staff. Their Hobbit-Feet Reversal Treatment begins with an alcohol rub. Who knows were those feet have been. After that, some kind of skin softening cream is applied to the feet. Don't know what the active ingredient is, but for all I know, it could be so

Di Maria

How NOT to solve a problem like Maria Swiped from belljw18670 . This is only my second lyrics post. I'm at a loss for words ( don't laugh! It's actually possible. :P ). I have no way to articulate my feelings and situation at the moment, so I'll let the nuns do the talking / singing: How do you solve a problem like Maria? How do you catch a cloud and pin it down? How do you find a word that means Maria? A flibbertijibbet! A will-o'-the wisp! A clown! I laugh. I frown. I smile. How does one solve a problem like Maria?

He-Man reads John Steinbeck

Photo-0414a Swiped from williamnyk . An interesting character I saw on the LRT one fine morning: 1) First impression: looks like Lim Kok Wing sans spectacles ( I know many would disagree, it's just a first impression ). 2) Hair: reminds me of the He-man alter-ego ( Prince what's-his-name ). 3) Book: reads John Steinbeck. Interesting character #2 was an elderly man who was torturing a young couple standing in fron of him. He kept on talking about the good 'ol days and giving them grandfather-ly advice about life. The guy couldn't have cared less, but the girl layan him by nodding her head and sometimes agreeing with certain points he make. I'm so pathethic. I'm so bored. Time passes oh so slowly on the LRT...

BKK Day 2: You don't want go Crocodile Farm?

collage3 Swiped from williamnyk . A colleague and The Searcher recommended me to visit The Ancient City of Muang Boran . It's 40 minutes away from the hustle-bustle of Bangkok, located in Samut Prakan. It's basically Thailand's history, culture, architecture and art all condensed into 320 acres of land the shape of Thailand. Think of it as Mini Malaysia, only *much* better and less cheesy. It boasts of 112 attractions in 6 sections. The entrance fee is THB300, inclusive of bicycle rental or a tram ticket. We took one double bicycle and a golf cart. It was a sweltering day and shade was few and far in between. At the start, we were very keen to see the sights. Took many photos. But as we went on, the attractions were losing their lustre. All of 'em started looking the same. And the sun was unforgiving. Towards the end, we were hurrying ourselves through, just giving the magnificent structures cursory glances and quick photo shoots. However, while we were at t