Dual Celebrations
Madonna & Child , swiped from williamnyk on Flickr. Attended a wedding mass on Saturday afternoon at SFX. This followed a buffet dinner the night before at the bride's house. A fantastic spread with most of the major meats-- two types of chicken, lamb, prawn, calamari and fish. Back to the mass. The bride's family is Catholic but the husband ain't. So it was a short affair. And when it came Holy Communion, less than ten people came up. As usual, sis was working, so the kids were with mum and I. Big Monster was behaving horribly. He wouldn't keep his trap shut and was being a pain so I had to separate the kids. Dragged him to sit at the back pew so that the proceedings won't be disturbed. He truly tested my patience that day. They had a little tea party after mass with proper teacups and plates, and yet I found myself using the disposable stuff. LOL. That's what you do when eating with kids. Later that night, I joined an impromptu dinner with Jay and Khatija