

FYI, KL Monorail is now ISO9001:2008 certified! One can now be assured that the frequent delays and technical glitches will be properly documented as part of their normal operations in their SOP. Yay for quality management! -- Regards, William

Where is the Nissin!?

I was at the Old Town Kopitiam-CIMB ( some screwed up partnership, banking while you sip your nanyang kopi o, stupid ) at Menara Hap Seng and I noticed that the Nissin noodles were missing from the new menu! What happened!? Call the police!


The ball starting rolling when I bought SK a Momiji for VDay. Luca ( the Momiji's name ) was nicely packed in a colourful metal box with stickers and a button badge. She looks like Avril Lavigne with pink hair and a pair of headphones. Made of porcelein, she's heavy to the touch. Kinda like a blunt murder weapon. Hehe. At the bottom of each Momiji is a slot ( not THAT kind of slot ) that can be used to keep a secret message. Coincidentally, my Mei is somewhat of an insider in this whole Momiji business and was quite surprised that I suddenly showed interest in the collectibles. As a welcome gift, she sourced me a male Momiji that's not selling anywhere in the country. Hehe. Ollie's the name and he too has pink hair, but sports a skateboard on his back. SK reciprocated as well by getting me Silly-Billy, the white-haired cousin of Luca. She came packed in a cute inflated cushion and a cardboard carton. She's the more conventional type, Japanese and in a Kimono. Well,


Zoom! is the stupid campaign started by Tourism Malaysia to encourage more people to have local holidays and increase foreign tourist arrivals. One of their approaches include putting up posters in STAR LRT cars, and boy, are those posters ugly and uninformative. I think a lower secondary kid with Adobe Photoshop 6 could have done better. They lack focus with poor composition, horrible choice of photos, lousy picture quality and lack of cropping skills. For Frasers hill they can just zoom on some random field with a few flower and expect tourists to go wow? Other posters featuring eco-tourism merely showcase some random riverbank and it just looked like an anti-pollution poster. Good God! Lets go cuti-cuti Malaysia! -- Regards, William

Keep It Short

Finally cut my hair on Saturday after Jr. gave me a puzzled look at the Pre-VDay party regarding my unruly mop of hair ( yes, this is a flashback, at least I didn't blog about the party, :P ). KK, my regular stylist gave me a weary stare-- KK: I'm tired of your current hairstyle. Let's do something new. Ready to shave off the sides? Me: Err.... OK.. KK: Ohhh... my hands are itching to use the shaver! (revving the shaver with wild abandon, but not quite Edward Scissorhands la....) With that, he shaved off the sides and a chopped the back, leaving a triangular chunk. After he styled my hair, I walked over to meet my mum and SK at the nearby organic shop. Mum & SK: Wah! Organic Shop Uncle: Something exploded on your head? Me: -_-" More negative comments awaited me at the office. Colleague 1: Eh, why you cut so short la. I cannot accept la. Especially the back. Like samseng. Me: -_-" Client Big Boss: Your hair reminds me of when I was in primary school.

MelBob Squarepants II

MelWedding1 Swiped from williamnyk . The next day, we woke up early and planned to attend mass at the nearby St. George Church only to find out at the last minute that it was an Anglican church. And so we scoured the tourist map to find an even nearer alternative-- The Cathedral of the Assumption, just beside St. Xavier's Institution. We made it for the 10:00am mass. It was an old church with the usual cross shape and vaulted ceiling, but what caught my eye was the checkered floor, two angels flanking the front door, the antique furniture, pipe organ and the confessional that was actually only a wooden partition surrounded by a metalwork of the Holy Spirit descending as a dove. Not many parishioners showed up, only 40% of the pews were filled ( and so the monetary offering was also quite mini-sized ). It was basically an opposition church -- during the sermon, the priest talked about passion and he linked it to Saudara Lim Kit Siang whom he said lives, breathes and bleeds

Pulled In All Directions

I have recently put my foot on the accelerator in regards to my financial planning, with Jaded Jeremy as my invaluable co-driver. So far, he has evaluated my current situation and declared that I need to cover the gaps in my insurance coverage before I dip into investment. Therefore, I have been dealing with my current agent and trying to get heads or tails about the 'right' choices to make. Things have been confusing for me with jargon, concepts, benefits and premium tables being thrown around that's alien to me. And I guess having a BF in the related field only serves to muddle the situation further as he has an alternate approach. Maybe one could say that too many cooks spoil the soup. I'm on the verge of swearing off soup. Sigh. It's not that I don't appreciate the input, but I suddenly feel overloaded with information. At the end of the day, I can't expect people to make decisions on my behalf, I'll just have to soldier on, I guess. Thanks Jeremy an