
Showing posts from August, 2024

Bon and Basketball

Once in a while, we will venture to KL city centre for our Saturdates. Normally would need a pretty darn good reason to brave the traffic. Guess we were both stoked enough to check out Bon Odori at Lalaport. Encountered a good crowd on that day ( Lalaport is usually dead-ish ) because there was also a 3x3 basketball tournament going on at WoW Plaza which attracted Lala ( Lala boys at Lalaport, go figure ) boys from all over.   Made one round on the rooftop. A bunch of food stalls and carnival games. No points for guessing that we just concentrated on the non-halal beer section. There was a 'central' raised platform but the layout wasn't actually suitable for a crowd of people to dance around it. But anyway, Malaysian's are a shy lot, and won't usually take part with much gusto. Also bumped into VC who was on a Saturdate there as well.  Later that evening, we had a double date with T&P. Watched "Sakti" at PJPAC, a night for the arts. It's Hands Perc

Suddenly Straight

During a casual dinner meet-up, a gay friend suddenly announced that he was getting married--  TO. A. WOMAN.  えーーー?! One friend incredulously exclaimed, "You can mehhhhh?!". Apparently he can. His choice really. And his wife is in the dark about his past.  No wonder he was very quiet in the gay circle of late, and seemed to be distant.   Guess it was part of his plan to start with a clean slate so to say.  In the coming weeks, he did introduce us to his wife. KH and I 'behaved' in front of her.  Only a few close friends were invited to the wedding, and we didn't spread the news.  Really hope that things will work out, and not turn out to be a mistake for both parties.  Note: 202307