Taiwan IV 1st Half: Taroko Rocks!

Lushan by williamnyk
Lushan, swiped from williamnyk on Flickr.
BONUS MATERIAL in this super long-winded post (fourth in the series of many!): Taiwan Celebrity-- Bilu Billy

In the middle of the night, KH got out of bed to use the loo and get some hot water. Seeing that his stirring woke me, he brought me some water to drink. Turns out that he had developed a sore throat. The next morning, SK also declared that she had a sore throat. Wonder if it was the millet wine or the fried stuff for dinner, combined with the hot springs. I was OK, but maybe because I had a sore throat from the beginning. Haha. Of all the bed and breakfast places that we stayed it, the place at Lushan actually provided breakfast! Hallelujah. A porridge buffet, but they labeled their porridge as stirabout. It was served in the typical Taiwanese style with peanuts, dried bean curd, fermented bean curd, omelette and some pickles. Satisfying and warming for the belly. Checked out from the place and took some pics at the suspension bridge before making our way to Cingjing Farm.


When I was first told about visiting a sheep farm in Taiwan, my first response was, "What in the world for?!". But I was proven wrong. Quite fantastic views, but as for the sheep, I'm indifferent. At the Cingjing Farm, there were rolling hills, and blankets of grass in all drections. In the background were blue skies, high mountains and the air was fresh (despite the sheep crud). And it was sunny enough that we shed our warmer clothes. Along the way, a HK tourist stopped me and remarked that I look like a newbie artist back from where they came from. Told me the name, and I did not recognize it. Wonder who could it be. With a face like mine, sure cannot make it big XD.

Land of Sheep


Cingjing Farm

We also spent a lot time camwhoring at a windmill. Got a PRC tourist to help us with the camera. The husband was very enthusiastic and seemed determined to get the perfect shot. He kept backing up until he was precariously close to the hill slope. We were more afraid for his safety than his wife.


The View

Next up was to Hehuanshan in Taroko National Park, but before that we made a rest stop at the highest 7-11 in the area, at about 2000+ metres above sea level. The first significant stop was at Wuling, that was 3275m above sea level, a saddle between the Main Peak and the East Peak of Hehuanshan. According to Wiki, it's the highest point on Taiwan accessible by public roads. A cold, cold, cold area, so we wore the gloves that we bought at Fengjia Night Market. Met a bunch of retirees there who were on a trans-island trip and boy were they energetic. They posed with the creativity of lala kids. And they constantly encouraged us to make crazier poses. XD.

Taroko Terrain I

Taroko Terrain II

Fly Like A Bird

Moving on, we stopped at an area to see an amazing sea of clouds. Mountains absorb steam from valleys and form white clouds, stretching to the horizon like sea and flowing around the peaks silently. Also bumped into senior group there! He offered to take pics for Cheryl, and practically danced around the viewing platform, taking every possible angle!

Monkey King's Playground

Lunch was to be had at a rest stop near the Bilu Sacred Tree, a Lunta fir that is said to be 3,200 years old! The whoe area was blanketed with mist and it was very cold! Walking up to the only rest stop in the area, we were greeted by Taiwan Celebrity: Bilu Billy who was standing by with samples of peach-flavoured honey. After sucking on his toothpick, we went in to order our food. Ate pork trotter rice and black pepper beef rice. Also ordered a very expensive cup of Assam tea that was sweetened with copious amounts of peach-flavoured honey. Freezing as the place was, even the food wasn't very warming to the belly. However, did see another cutie there, but he was too difficult to photograph. :(. Photographed the wilted Sakuras before leaving the place. To be continued...

Eye Rice


Bilu Billy


Twilight Man said…
You know that I always love your photos. They are so beautiful! That one with the benches and trees! Oooo!
Derek said…
The photos make me miss Taiwan le!
nicky05 said…
So beautiful the scenery. Abit like New Zealand. XD
William said…
Thank you, thank you. A good place to paktor, put your head on your lover's shoulder and stare out

Miss me or not?

I think NZ more batu

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