Alma Mater

An old ex-coursemate gave me a call out of the blue the other night. No, not to sell anion-spewing maxipads but to catch up. Kay was one the girls from the group ten friends who made up my clique in UM. The rest had drifted away... with the exception of Mel who constantly keeps in touch with me. We've been through good times and bad times. Among my uni-mates, Kay is the more outspoken one. Assertive. Confident. Your typical I-know-what-want KL girl. Once in a while she would call and inform me how things were going on in her life. Sometimes it would feel like she's blowing her trumpet, but I guess that's the way she is. Heh. It has been a long time since I've seen her. Since her wedding years ago actually. Perhaps we should catch up in person one of these days. For several times now she has been snooping into my private life... hinting about a certain someone. Who's the special girl or guy? I don't think I'll come out to her. The confidence level just isn't there.

The norm is, these 'friends' just drift away. Fade off. I see them online and I have no motivation to buzz 'em. Nothing more to talk about? Busy with our own lives? Is this jodoh? Certain threads in this tapestry of life are woven together but at different times and places, the threads just divert... Or sometimes are just cut off.

How many friends from university do you still keep in touch with?


Pike-chan said…
As the years gone by, the course mates are getting too busy with their own family and kids already... saying too lazy... I tried going there once a while but some how the topic seems to drift apart already..
Danny said…
dun really have common topic to talk liao...;p
Pluboy2 said…
i dun really keep in touch with uni mates.. ONLY BECAUSE i am a drop out..

but i do keep in touch with my primary and secondary skool mates.. theose that i mix with one lah.. hahah
Skyhawk said…
Depend on the uni/ uni's old boys sucks! My high school old boys has been active and we do have some gathering from time to time...but in PG...
Gratitude said…
Another example of impermanence.
ian-ization said…
buang yang lama, bikin yang baru~ This is how u do Guess.. there's still a few..
Janvier said…
It's more of how well you get along when you do see each other compared to how often you keep in touch, we guess. Sometimes you may meet up with ex-coursemates and still get to chitchat like you were still studying together only yesterday. :)
plainjoe said…
Some of my friends and I go all the way back since high school whereas for some, we just grow apart because each of us have grown into different people that just do not relate to each other's world...
Shake Trees said…
she wana intro u some ler. wahaha... 1st u must pass her interrogation :)
Ash Godiva said…
with uni mate still in touch with 3 or 4 only...but on regular with secondary school in touch also but not frequent
Medie007 said…
ask me how many friends do i still keep in touch with from school. none. lol
nicky05 said…
For now I think most of them....hehe..
Anonymous said…
me none too and i'm not too eager to keep in touch with them. anyway they'd be busy raising their young families... things i cant relate too:)
Jaded Jeremy said…
None. Those I tried too simply did not bother to keep up. Not even a line every now and then just to announce that they're still alive.
Derek said…
Only my course mates. But they are more active among themselves as they are based in KL
William said…
@Pikey: @Danny:
Yes, all about children, wives and other 'adult' topics.

Ah. I have lost contact with 99% of secondary schoolmates and 100% of primary schoolmates.

30th Year Reunion! I went to my primary school reunion once.

Why shocked?

Did not intend for this to end up a dhamma topic. :P

Yeah lo. Never too old to make friends.

Compatibility. But not many people can so easily warm up after a long hiatus.

Yes, different worlds!

I think not la...

Quality is the key, not quantity. :P

Yau seng kak!
William said…
Cause you still studying ma... >_<

Out of sight, out of mind. LOL

I guess FB is useful in such circumstances.


You do meet them when you come back.
cookiedonut said…
maybe it's one of the stages of life? =(
Jaded Jeremy said…
I have one on my FB and yet still doesn't respond or so anything. Mutual friend of my sister too. She also gave up on him.

But to give him credit, when he was down in Singapore twice on business trip, he did contact and meet up with me.
J said…
I am from UM too...
Pranny said…
Some did try to contact me, probably due to FOREX thing...

Or different study/working location which makes people grew apart...
famil said…
Thanks to FB, we still keep in touch with each others.

For better or worse.
William said…
It happens at every stage I guess.

Some people just don't FB a lot. Like you. At least he thinks of you when in SG. LOL.

Aha! Which faculty?

Yeah lo. Kalau bukan pasal nak jual barang dan nak kahwin also won't call de.

You can keep in touch by having more dinner parties. Hehe
Anonymous said…
just wanna comment on the part of you thinking of coming out to this ''kay'' gal. u don't need to put pressure on yourself to come out, just leave it as it is, let her draw her own conclusion. i get that question all the time from my ex-uni mates. that's why i don't keep in touch with these kaypoh mates. they're so annoying.azyg
William said…
Thanks for your thoughts. I'll keep her guessing.
J said…
Science, batch '05, bioschool
William said…
Oooo..... FSKTM, graduated in '03!
Little Dove said…
With Facebook, it makes keeping in touch with friends easier. We may have drifted apart, but it is good to remember that these friends colour a certain part of our lives before.

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