Uncle HeMan II

Swiped from williamnyk.
Skeletor isn't back to plunge the universe back into chaos. Don't worry. Once again, I've started bumping back into Uncle HeMan. He still digs into his classics the moment he sets foot into the train car. I nearly didn't recognize him as he seems to have to dumped his hairstylist. Things are neater now, less Brady Bunch. So kids, this weeks book for The HeMan Book Club is William Faulkner's Sartone. Do me a 500 page report, then condense the bloody thing into a 20 word comment. Thanks. =)


ikanbilis said…
haha. so he reads HeMan? what else would it be next?
savante said…
Whoa. How did he find that book? You should strike up a conversation.
Pike-chan said…
I wonder if there's She-Ra, the cousin of He-man
daniel henry said…
... erm... find me that book then i'll read it... then i'll do that 500 page thing then i'll write 20 words comment... otherwise... i'll write and write and write nonsense here. WA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Melvin Mah said…
reading is good...

smart uncle heman...hahaha
Cyclohelix said…
classic one there, that uncle have good taste..
William said…
No, he IS HeMan. I still never do your meme. :P

Hmmmm. By proclaiming that I'm SheRa?

See the above comment. :P

Hmmm, I shall start combing the 2nd hand bookshops.


You know it? :D

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