Kenapa Kelapa?

Coconut water by soumit
Coconut water, swiped from soumit on Flickr.

At Restoran 83:

Moi: Ada jual kelapa ke?

Myanmarese Waiter: Takde. Coconut adalah.

Moi: =_="

Aku kena perli ke?


Danny said…
hahah ... next time try to be more 'international' ;p
Willk said…
maybe you should ask 'Air Kelapa' instead 'Kelapa' only.
Skyhawk said…
Your pronouciation not accurate kua!? lolx!
Twilight Man said…
I also have problems talking to them! But they are too polite for me to get angry!
William said…
@Danny: @WillK:
Got "ayeeer kelahper"?

Brunei slang?!

Actually their grasp of Chinese can be quite good
Gratitude said…
hahahaaha you met your match?

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